Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How's it Going?

So I haven't been updating my blog lately because I haven't had much that I wanted to post. Also, not that much was going on. NOW I have somethings to tell you about. First of all, I am selling Girl Scout Cookies. I will look for some pics online then post them so that you can see what they look like, but the names are Carmel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties, Shortbread, Thanks-A-Lot, (Reduced Fat) Daisy-Go-Rounds, Lemonades, Thin Mints, and Peanut Butter Sandwiches. This year they are 3.50 a box. Also, a promotion GS Council is doing is that for every 6 boxes you buy you get an entry in a drawing where if you win you will get 52 boxes of assorted cookies. That's enough to last the whole year! I need to put the order in on the 1st of February. It is only the pre-order so you don't have to pay yet. I will get them about the 19 or 20 of February. Thanks and if you would like to buy any please tell me A.S.A.P.
Many of you already know that the government bought Acer netbooks for my school. Well, because we are going all techno with everything, instead of printing a newspaper, the teacher made a blog. The blog is I am not one of the writers this year, but I would like to be next year for at least one semester. Also my extra classes I have for this semester are band (it's the best class ever) and French (also really fun)! I love my classes and have lots of fun.
Gotta go,

0 of Everyone's Buzz: