Saturday, February 26, 2011

I haven't posted in a while, but I am going to try and post more often! =) So a lot of things have been going on lately. First of all, the last two weekends, were Regions and State Basketball games. Both were in Las Vegas. At Regions, boys lost to Agassi Prep. I can't remember who the girls played, but I do remember that they won! Then, at state, we lost to PHS. Except for the losses, the Pep Band had a LOT of fun! We even convinced Mr.Lester to take us to the mall! That was the funniest part of the whole trip! =)
Then, this coming weekend it is my birthday on Saturday. I am really excited for that because that is the same day we go to our Laughlin Festival! I am in Choir and Band this year, so I will have to different competitions. If the Choir gets a Superior rating (the highest rating possible), we will go with the High School Band to either Lagoon or DisneyLand. I don't really care which because I haven't been to either, but I really hope that we get a Superior for both Band and Choir!
Also, at the end of February, there is a thing called Middle School All-State Choir. A bunch of people from every middle school singing group can go to this and sing a bunch of different songs. I am going to go to this also. It is in Reno. We have to memorize the words and notes of six different songs before we go there. Then, we have three days to practice with everyone that will be participating before we perform the songs. I am very excited about this. At first I wasn't even going to go, but I sort of got talked into it. Haha =)
Well, that is all for now! T.T.Y.L! Destiny

Monday, May 31, 2010


Well, summer last Thursday. I have many plans already! It goes from 4-H to traveling.
My first 4-H class starts on Wednesday and it is a Drawing Class by Rebeka Lewis. Next Monday starts my 4-H Cross Stitch which is done by none other than my mother! The classes that I don't know when start are: Shooting Sports (by Grant Perkins), Lego Club (by CaraLee Frehner), and many more. Then I have Girls Camp June 15-18. A week later I am going to go up to Saratoga Springs, Utah (a little ways outside of Salt Lake City, Utah) to my aunt take care of her two little boys.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Daisy Go Rounds

Crispy cinnamon snack swirls in a convenient 100 calorie pack


Savory shortbread slices with lemon iced bottom

Peanut Butter Patties

Vanilla cookie, real peanut butter, chocolate coating

Peanut Butter Sandwich

Smooth peanut butter between crunchy oatmeal cookies


Buttery, light flavored shortbread


Crunchy shortbread cookie, bottom side fudge coated with top embossed “Thank You” in different languages

Thin Mints

Crispy chocolate wafers with mint chocolate coating

Carmel deLites

Vanilla cookie drenched in caramel, sprinkled with coconut and laced with dark cocoa stripes

How's it Going?

So I haven't been updating my blog lately because I haven't had much that I wanted to post. Also, not that much was going on. NOW I have somethings to tell you about. First of all, I am selling Girl Scout Cookies. I will look for some pics online then post them so that you can see what they look like, but the names are Carmel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties, Shortbread, Thanks-A-Lot, (Reduced Fat) Daisy-Go-Rounds, Lemonades, Thin Mints, and Peanut Butter Sandwiches. This year they are 3.50 a box. Also, a promotion GS Council is doing is that for every 6 boxes you buy you get an entry in a drawing where if you win you will get 52 boxes of assorted cookies. That's enough to last the whole year! I need to put the order in on the 1st of February. It is only the pre-order so you don't have to pay yet. I will get them about the 19 or 20 of February. Thanks and if you would like to buy any please tell me A.S.A.P.
Many of you already know that the government bought Acer netbooks for my school. Well, because we are going all techno with everything, instead of printing a newspaper, the teacher made a blog. The blog is I am not one of the writers this year, but I would like to be next year for at least one semester. Also my extra classes I have for this semester are band (it's the best class ever) and French (also really fun)! I love my classes and have lots of fun.
Gotta go,

Monday, January 18, 2010


The hot air balloon we saw when we were leaving Saint George!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Labor Day Parade.

This is me marching in Pioche on Labor Day.

This is me this summer.

Friday, May 8, 2009

My mom took this of me right before school. This is how I have changed.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Weasel is just a sleeping hangover!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Weasal napping very strangely!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

This is 1 of my bffs Kori

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ahhhh!! I'm stuck!!

Here is my bff & cousin who lives in Idaho

Kitty's sittin on their throne

Friday, November 21, 2008

Kitty takin a shower

Monday, November 17, 2008


My 6th grade bug collection.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Hope the cat's comfy!

The couch cat goin after the tail

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Ms.kitty an gizmo.


Love you all